Treating Emerald Ash Borer & Informational Facts

History On The Emerald Ash Borer
By now you have heard throughout the last couple of years just how devastating the Emerald Ash Borer (or commonly referred to as EAB) really is. Although we have been anticipating this disease for many years, it wasn’t until last June when it was found within the state of Nebraska. Originally found in a park within the city limits of Omaha, it has recently been found in Ashland, and also Greenwood just last fall. The insect that specifically targets all types of Ash trees has killed 150-200 million trees within the United States since 2002 when it was found in Michigan. Since then, it has spread to 23 states, including Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, & Colorado. The spread of the Emerald Ash Borer typically takes place at a rate of around 1 mile per year, but the transportation of firewood is to blame for the rapid development within the United States. According to the National Forest Service, Emerald Ash Borer is now considered the most destructive pest ever seen in the North America.

What Steps Can Be Taken to Save My Ash Tree’s
There are multiple applications and treatments available on the market to combat this disease. Although some chemical treatments are available to homeowners, the effectiveness of these treatments can determine quickly on the lifecycle of your tree. At RDM Landscapes we provide one most recognizable chemicals on the market to treat Ash trees. TREE-age was one of the first chemicals on the market to provide treatments to Ash trees within the United States. It is used by thousands of municipalities and licensed professionals throughout the United States, and has a very high success rate. The chemical is a Restricted Use Pesticide, and only certified applicators throughout the state of Nebraska are allowed to purchase and inject this chemical. TREE-age is a chemical that will safely, and effectively kill the larvae inside of the tree. By using the Arbor Jet system, we can safely inject the chemical directly into the trunk of the tree. Unlike other treatments on the market, TREE-age provides two years of coverage.

RDM Landscapes owner Ryan Maxson has been a certified chemical applicator within the state of Nebraska since 2008. At RDM Landscapes we continue to stay updated on the newest laws and regulations, and ensure that all steps are taken to provide safe and effective practices to the public.

When Is A Good Time To Treat Emerald Ash Borer
The National Forest Service has recommended that Ash tree treatment should be started once the insect has been found within fifteen miles. Now that the Emerald Ash Borer has been found in Greenwood, treatments should begin within Lincoln and the surrounding communities. It is likely that the Borer is already within the city limits of Lincoln, but has yet to be confirmed.
Treatments should take place between bud break of the tree, and late fall. Treatments are not recommended during late fall & winter, since the trees are dormant, and not taking up nutrients and water throughout the tree.

Commonly Asked Questions About Emerald Ash Borer

Are treatments for EAB expensive?
Treatment costs vary on the size of the tree. Pricing is determined on the diameter of the tree and chemical needed to effectively treat it. Most tree removals in the city can cost a homeowner between $800-$2,000, (not including stump removal) so treatments every two years are typically significantly less than the removal of the tree. Our experts are more than willing to come out to assess your Ash trees, and provide a free no obligation estimate.

How long will I need to treat my Ash trees?
Previous research has shown that treatments usually have to take place for 8-10 years. Research has shown that as untreated trees have been damaged and killed, that the borer will then move to other areas to feed, typically within about 10 years. Once the Borer is to have known to move on to other areas, treatments can then be scheduled to take place on a less frequent basis.

Is there anything that I can do to help once my tree has been treated for EAB?
Typically we ask for the homeowner to soak the ground around the tree a day or two prior to treating it. This insures that the chemical we use during the inject is able to flow freely into the tree, and provide the greatest coverage possible. Once the tree has been treated we ask homeowners to make sure that their tree has adequate water throughout the year, and that fallen or broken branches during storms have been property cut to allow proper wound heal, and that waste has been disposed of properly.

How do I know if my tree is already infested with EAB, or if it is worth treating?
The best way to determine if a tree is infested is to look at the canopy of the tree. Die back typically starts at the top of the tree & works it way down. You will also notice D shape exit holes throughout the trunk of the tree. Typically once a tree has been infested, complete death of the tree will happen within 2-3 years. The best way for a homeowner to determine whether or not a tree is infested is to call a professional. We can inspect the tree and analyze to see if the tree is worth saving. This all at no cost to the homeowner. Homeowners must determine whether their tree is worth saving, and how that tree works within their landscape design/plan. 

Is there a guarantee after treatment of my trees?
There is not a single chemical on the market with a 100% success rate.
Although treating your trees before complete infestation is key. Our professionals with do a site analysis & inspection of your tree before any treatment is recommended. Tree-age has been proven to be very effective in highly infested areas throughout the United States. 

Tree-age is proven to be 93% effective in Chicago. In 2014, Rahm Emanuel the mayor of Chicago
announced the 93% of trees treated with Tree-age in 2011 & 2012 were still alive in 2014.
If you have any questions regarding any of your Ash Trees, please do not hesitate to contact
RDM Landscapes. We will provide you with as much detail and information as we possibly can,
and are here to help protect your investment, and landscape for years to come.
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